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1. The Complaint Handling Policy shall be governed by the following applicable provisions of the Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code as amended (hereinafter referred to only as the “Civil Code”) as well as of the Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on amending the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 372/1990 Coll. on Offences as later amended (hereinafter referred to only as the “Consumer Protection Act“).

2. The Complaint Handling Policy for the e-shop regulates the conditions, methods of lodging complaints, including information on the place at which goods may be complained about.

3. The Complaint Handling Policy constitutes and integral part of the Seller´s General Terms and Conditions and the purchase contract entered into by and between the Seller and the Buyer as the Consumer (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer“) who purchased goods from the Seller through the e-shop

Company name: Pressburg Mint – Bratislavská mincovňa s.r.o.

Registered office/Place of business: Galvaniho 7/D, 82104 Bratislava

Company Registration Number (IČO): 35755598

Tax Registration Number: 2021401690

VAT Registration Number: SK2021401690

Registered with the Company Register maintained at the District Court of Bratislava I., Section: 18124/B, File No.: Sro, represented by Ladislav Behul.

The e-shop website:

4. By sending an order to the Seller, the Buyer confirms that the Seller has fulfilled its information duties pursuant to the provisions of Section 18 (1) of the Consumer Protection Act in a timely and thorough manner, specifically: on the conditions and method of handling a complaint, including information about the place at which a complaint may be raised and on the performance of repairs under warranty.

5. The Seller provides a warranty period with respect to the delivered goods:

a) the warranty period is 24 months during which the goods will be fit for use for usual purposes and preserves their usual properties,

b) if, it concerns a used item, the Buyer and the Seller may agree also on a shorter warranty period, but not shorter than 12 months,

c) the warranty does not relate to defects the Buyer was informed about by the Seller in advance at the time of the purchase contract conclusion.

6. The goods purchased from the Seller may be complained about within the warranty period and in the case the goods have defects. 

7. An invoice for the goods (document proving the purchase), or, as the case may be, a cash receipt serves as a warranty card as well.

8. The warranty period starts to lapse on the day of reception of the goods from a shipping company or directly from the Seller if the goods are taken by the Buyer personally on the day of their takeover. If the sold item, its packaging bears, or the instructions for use enclosed with such item include the time limit for its use (or the best before date), the warranty period for such items ends by the expiry of such period. After settling a justified complaint, the warranty period shall be extended by the time for which the compliant has been handled. In case of an unjustified complaint, the warranty period shall not be extended.

9. The Seller recommends that the Buyer checks the delivered goods, in particular the Buyer checks whether the goods have been delivered complete and intact. The intactness of the goods or, as the case may be, the integrity of the packaging (according to the instructions at the takeover of the goods) must be checked when the goods are taken over since the goods may be damaged during their transport, we recommend the Buyer to unpack the goods and inspect them in the presence of the postman or postwoman.

10. The liability for defects (in accordance with Section 622 et seq. of the Civil Code) to which the warranty applies shall not arise if the defects have been caused after the passage of the risk of the damage of goods following their takeover by the Buyer, namely by:

a) the loss of a sales receipt or an invoice enabling the identification of eligibility of exercising claims from the liability for defects,
b) the failure to report obvious defects when the goods are taken over/damaged packaging,
c) the expiry of the warranty period for the goods,
d) the mechanical damage of goods,
e) the damage of goods during transport by one´s own means of transport,
f) the use of goods in conflict with the instructions for use and in conflict with the maintenance instructions in the conditions that do not correspond to the natural environment due to their humidity, chemical and mechanical impacts,
g) the unprofessional handling and harsh treatment, attendance or neglect of care for the goods,
h) the damage of goods due to excessive loading or using in conflict with the conditions as stated in the documentation, general principles, technical standards or safety regulations in force in the Slovak Republic,
i) the damage of goods as the result of unavoidable or unforeseeable events,

k) potential typing errors, grammatical mistakes which the Buyer will make when preparing a packaging.

11. In the case the purchased goods has defects, the consumer may lodge a complaint within the meaning of Section 18 (2) of the Consumer Protection Act and, at the same time, to contact the person in charge of lodged complaints within the meaning of Section 18 (3) of the Consumer Protection Act.

12. If the consumer raises a complaint, the complaint procedure shall commence upon the presentation of the goods subject to the complaint at the address: Galvaniho 7/D, 82104 Bratislava, upon the completion of the Seller´s complaint form to be found HERE or which may be downloaded at and upon the submission of an invoice (tax document). This form includes information such as for example the Buyer’s identification data, details about the defective goods – order number, name of the goods and the description of the reason for the complaint.

If the takeover by the Seller of the object subject to the complaint is carried out on a later date than is the day of raising the complaint, then the time limits for the handling of the complaint start on the day of the takeover of the object subject to the complaint by the Seller; but no later than the moment at which the Seller precludes or prevents the takeover of the object subject to the complaint.

13. The Seller reserves the right not to accept goods sent by the Buyer by mail order. In the case you send goods subject to a complaint back to the Seller, such goods must be packed in the manner preventing their damage during their transport. The damage of goods during their transport could result in the non-recognition of a complaint.

14. The Seller shall confirm the acceptance of a complaint and shall issue a certificate to the Buyer confirming the lodging of a complaint with respect to the goods in writing (e.g., e-mail) in accordance with Section 18 (5) of the Consumer Protection Act.

15. If the consumer lodges a complaint, the Seller or the Seller´s authorized member of its staff or an appointed person has the obligation to instruct the consumer on his/her rights pursuant to a general regulation; based on the consumer´s decision on which of such rights would be exercised by the consumer, the consumer has the obligation to determine the manner of settling the complaint pursuant to the Section 2  m) of the Consumer Protection Act , i.e. immediately, in complex cases within no later than  3 working days from the day of raising a complaint, in justified cases, namely if complicated technical assessment of the condition of a product or service is required, within no later than 30 days from the lodging of a complaint. After the determination of the manner of settling the complaint, such complaint shall be settled immediately; in justified cases, such complaint may be settled even later; but the settlement of a complaint must not exceed 30 days from the day on which a complaint was lodged.

The Buyer may request, instead of repairing a defect, the replacing of a defective item for an impeccable one if, by such act, the Seller does not incur unreasonable costs with respect to the price of the goods or the severity of the defect or the given purpose, the Buyer is entitled either to the replacement of the item or to the withdrawal from the purchase contract (refund of money) or to the discount on the price of the item. By the handover of complained goods, their replacement or the refunding of the price of the goods, written call to take over of benefits or its justified refusal. 

16. The rights of the Buyer as a consumer when lodging a complaint may be exercised within the meaning of provisions of Section 622 and provisions of Section 623 of the Civil Code:

16.1. In the case of occurrence of a removable defect, the Buyer has:

  • the right to free-of-charge, timely and proper elimination of the defect,
  • the right to the replacement of an item/ component part of an item (if, by such act, the operator does not incur unreasonable costs with respect to the price of the goods or the severity of the defect),
  • the right to the replacement of a defective item for an impeccable one, while the operator may at all times replace, instead of removing a defect, a defective item for an impeccable one, if it does not cause serious difficulties to the Buyer,
  • the right to replacement of an item or the right to withdraw from the contract, if the Buyer cannot use an item for re-occurrence of a defect following a repair or owing to a greater number of defects.

16.2. In the case of occurrence of a defect that cannot be removed, preventing due use of an item for an intended purpose, the Buyer has:

  • the right to the replacement of an item or the right to withdraw from the contract,
  • the right to a reasonable discount on the price of an item.

16.3.  A complaint shall be deemed settled if the complaint procedure is completed duly and in time. The settlement of a complaint relates only to defects specified by the Buyer when lodging a complaint. The Seller has the obligation to settle a complaint by one of the following methods, i.e., by:

  • the handover of the repaired goods to the Buyer,
  • the replacement of the goods,
  • the refunding of the purchase price,
  • the payment of a reasonable discount on the price of the goods,
  • the justified refusal of the complaint concerning the goods.

17. If the consumer raised a complaint about a product during the first 12 months from its purchase, the Seller may settle the complaint by refusal only on the basis of an expert opinion; regardless of the result of the expert opinion, the consumer cannot be requested the settlement of the cost of such expert opinion or other cost related to such expert opinion. The Seller has the obligation to provide to the Buyer a copy of the expert opinion justifying the refusal of the complaint within no later than 14 days from the day of the complaint settlement.

18. If the consumer raised a complaint about a product after 12 months from its purchase and the Seller has refused such complaint, the person in charge of the complaint settlement shall be obliged to state in the document on the complaint settlement to whom the consumer may send the product for an expert opinion. If the product sent to an appointed person for an expert opinion, the cost of such expert opinion as well as all other related purposefully incurred costs shall be borne by the Seller regardless of the result of such expert opinion. If the Buyer as a consumer proves the Seller´s liability for a defect on the basis of an expert opinion, he/she may lodge a complaint again; the warranty period does not lapse during the preparation of an expert opinion. The Seller has the obligation to pay to the consumer, within 14 days from the day of the re-lodging of a complaint, any and all costs of such expert opinion as well as all  other related purposefully incurred costs. The re-lodged complaint cannot be refused.

19. The Seller has the obligation to issue a written document on the complaint settlement within no later than 30 days from the day of lodging a complaint, but at the latest together with the document on the complaint settlement if the time limit for its settlement started on the day of the takeover of the object subject to the complaint by the Seller. The Buyer shall be informed about its settlement by e-mail.

20. This Complaint Handling Policy is an integral part of the General Business Terms and Conditions.

21. The Seller reserves the right to amend the Policy. The obligation to inform about amendments to this Complaint Handling Policy shall be deemed fulfilled by its publication on the Seller´s e-shop.

22. This Complaint Handling Policy is protected by the Act No. 185/2015 Coll., the Copyright Act, in the wording of later legal regulations.

23. This Complaint Handling Policy enters into force and effect on 26th June 2023

The complaint form download is HERE


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World Money Fair 2025

January 29 - February 1
Estrel Hotel, Berlin

We are excited to announce we will once again be exhibiting at World Money Fair 2025! Come and see the latest innovation in the minting industry, including the King of the Jungle, world’s first 3D-printed coin!

AI COIN 2023

World's First Silver Coin Designed by AI

Pressburg Mint is releasing the world’s first silver coin designed by artificial intelligence, a ground-breaking product that combines the beauty of traditional craftsmanship with the cutting-edge power of artificial intelligence. The original drawing has been generated by an AI and represents the AI’s idea of what a silver coin should look like.